Bingo Night
Mrs. Myrtle Standich and Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse met for Senior's Bingo Night at the Kalesburg Volunteer Fire Department Hall. Also in attendance were Mrs. Evelyn Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yamin, Mrs. Ida Willaby, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Granger, Ms. Allison Tuttle, and a new couple whose age could be estimated at seventy.
Senior's Bingo Night had long been a place of intriguing conversation and this afternoon began much the same. Mr. Theodor Granger proposed that Mr. John Wayne would have made a better actor/president than Mr. Ronald Reagan. Mrs. Myrtle Standich and Ms. Allison Tuttle believed Mr. Ronald Reagan did a fine job both in the presidency as well as in acting.
Mr. Henry Yamin believed Mr. Gregory Peck would have made a better actor/president. Mrs. Evelyn Woods added that the motion picure, To Kill A Mockingbird, was one of the finest ever made, but that she would vote only for Mrs. Katherine Hepburn. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse believed the world was not ready for a female president, adding that she had always admired Mr. Dwight D. Eisenhower. All at the table agreed that Dwight D. Eisenhower could not be considered an actor even though Mrs. Theodore Granger believed Mr. Dwight D. Eisenhower was in his high school's thespian society.
A general understanding was soon reached that hypothetical actor/presidents who performed in black and white motion pictures would make more reliable presidents.
At this moment, Ms. Allison Tuttle shouted 'bingo'.
When Ms. Allison Tuttle excused herself to receive her prize, a digital calculator manufactured by Sony, Mrs. Henry Yamin revealed that Ms. Allison Tuttle's card only spelled 'bing'. All at the table agreed that this would most likely be forgiven since Ms. Allison Tuttle had never been married. This proved true when Ms. Allison Tuttle returned with her brand new Sony digital calculator.
Conversation resumed and lasted until well past the end of Senior's Bingo Night when Mrs. Ida Willaby reminded us that Mr. Bing Crosby would also have made a fine actor/president.