The Electric Mundanity of Mrs. Myrtle Standich

Friday, May 18, 2007

Quality Programming

Last evening, Mrs. Myrtle Standich was awaken by ring of the Standich family telephone at approximately nine o'clock. It was Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse. The tone of Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse was one of frenzied concern. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse first apologizied for the tone in which she spoke. She then recounted the reason for her frenzied speech. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse had been watching the television program, Cops, on the Fox broadcasting network.

She became disturbed by the way law enforcement officers were being portrayed. This was compounded further, Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse stated, when she learned the program was a reality program. To Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse's knowledge, there may be angry law enforcement officers in the world but she could remember none from Kalesburg. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse wondered aloud how law enforcement officers of the world would react. Mrs. Myrtle Standich suggested their self esteem could be lowered as a result and further wondered aloud what kind of an example this set for children.

Said Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse, "There are bad people in every profession. But, you don't see real television programs made about evil bakers or evil secretaries." Mrs. Myrtle Standich furtively agreed, adding that the quality of television had been degrading ever since the American Broadcasting Company broadcasted the Zorro program. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse asked the question, "What is the world coming to?" Mrs. Myrtle Standich repeated the question.

Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse then admitted that, in her honest opinion, the only quality program left on television was Wheel Of Fortune. She added that Mr. Pat Sajak was an angel. Mrs. Myrtle Standich agreed, but also believed that The Lawrence Welk Show was of high quality. Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse reminded Mrs. Myrtle Standich that The Lawrence Welk Show was prerecorded decades previous.

Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse's mind was put to rest at sixteen minutes past ten. This came once Mrs. Myrtle Standich promised to co-sign a letter of suggestion sent by Mrs. Gloria Rhinehouse to various television producers to make television worth watching again.


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